
About RUSLE2 Technology

RUSLE2 Program File
    Installation Instructions
    Download File

NRCS Master Database
    Download File

Climate Data
Data Files

Crop Management Templates
    Crop Management Zone Maps
Data Files

Soils Data

Training Materials

Older Training Materials
Newer Training Materials
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Instructions for use of the master data base and adding specific soils climate and management information.

The install contains the master NRCS database. However it requires that you add the specific climate data for your state(s), the specific soils data for your county or soil survey area(s) and the specific set(s) of crop management templates for your Crop Management Zone or area of the country.  Detailed instructions on downloading and importing data sets are available in the following document:

Data Set Installation and Importation Instructions.pdf (2017)


An important notice to California Field Offices:

As CA field offices import CMZ 39 they will have to remember to also select the Vinyard profiles in the profiles folder of the import otherwise the profiles will not be imported along with the CMZ 39 management templates. This is a one-of-a-kind variation, which uses the summary or advanced user screen profile view to break the slope into a series or row and alley strips to model contoured vineyards with vaious row spacings and cover crops.  This will be a great help to the field when modeling these scenarios.  The effect is similar to contour buffer strips on cropland.  They are essentially profile templates locked with state agronomist access.